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HE Heroes 2020

Recognising Academic Generosity in Challenging Times

In challenging times, we often witness or experience acts of great generosity. This year, the HERDSA New Zealand committee invites you to put forth a nomination for the “The Higher Ed Heroes Award”. Offered by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) NZ committee, this award presents an opportunity to show gratitude by recognising the generosity of a colleague or team of colleagues who have supported you or others in an unexpected/exceptional way during the COVID-19 pandemic. This academic generosity may be in the areas of research, teaching, service, or academic development. The generosity received may be something “tangible” (e.g., outstanding support with shifting to online teaching and learning), or more “intangible” (e.g., helping you to feel a sense of belonging and connectedness in a time of isolation). 


Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) team, University of Otago

It is with great enthusiasm that HERDSA New Zealand offers the award to the PASS facilitation team. We were deeply moved by the exceptional quality of learning support and care the PASS team offered their peers while managing their own transition to online learning and lockdown. In a time of such uncertainty, the PASS team provided continuity and community and did so with a high level of commitment and creativity.

E-Learning Support team, University of Canterbury

HERDSA New Zealand commends the E-Learning Support team for their dedication to providing colleagues throughout the University with exceptional support during the COVID-19 lockdown. In a challenging time, rather than implementing quick-fix solutions, the E-Learning Support team worked tirelessly to implement sound, integrated, and enduring strategies for online teaching, learning, and assessment. They did so by collaborating with colleagues at multiple levels of the University in a respectful and collegial manner. This collaboration has laid the foundation for ongoing relationships and future initiatives.

Up to $2,500 was allocated for this award. As the two winners are teams consisting of many individuals, a decision was made to award $1000 to each winning team.


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